Pregnancy massage supports the mother’s adaptation to the birthing process (and the baby’s too). Prenatal massage is recommended for all three trimesters and postpartum, especially the second and the third trimesters.

Massage during pregnancy helps mom’s body adapt to the rapidly growing baby. With specialized techniques, the hip structure is gently mobilized for easier movement for mom and for baby's growth. This procedure reduces the strain on the lower back and legs. Easing the shoulder girdle helps mom with postural adjustment for upper back and for neck pain reduction, diaphagmatic breathing and prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Massage becomes a wonderful tool to communicate with the baby in a peaceful way.

A combination of oils and lotions are used. Draping is provided for mom and baby. Postpartum massage facilitates structural reconfiguration of the abdominal area, fascia, musculature and orientation of mother’s skeletal structure. This is a time when massage is most beneficial for mother’s reintegration.